The Team


Helen is a mum of 2 young children and Coordinates the term time Toddler group at St Margaret ward catholic primary school (SMW) on Fridays. Helen’s background is in various social care roles with children from pre-birth and with their families and carers.


Laura has a background in schools and supporting others, including being a Teaching Assistant. She is an experienced mum of 7 children of various ages and she is a qualified breast-feeding counsellor. She volunteers at the SMW toddler group.


Teresa has turned her hand to many roles, including banking and finance. She currently works part time on a material market stall and crochets children’s items in her spare time. She is an experienced mum and granny who looks after her 2 grandchildren weekly.


Maria enjoyed a long career as a primary school teacher locally in Sale and she is an experienced mum and grandma who regularly cares for her 7 grandchildren of various ages. She attends regular art classes locally


Connie is a mum of 1 nursery aged child and has moved to the UK during covid. She has a background in social worker in Hong Kong and is currently volunteering at a primary school making toast and at the SMW toddler group. also at lifecafe, a local community cafe.


Monica was the manager of the tourist information centre in Manchester and is involved in the local Sale community. She is a mum and Oma (German for Grandma) who looks after her grandchildren regularly. She volunteers at the SMW toddler group.